Have you recently started your Twitch account and want to start earning? Well, even if you’re not a member yet, you can still start earning through your Twitch donations. But to get your followers to donate to you, you need to know some tips and tricks.
So today, let us talk about the tips for quickly growing your Twitch donation income. Let’s get started-
1- Set a niche
You may be wondering if this is the most common advice or tip one can give you to grow your Twitch donation income. But believe me or not, it actually works. Before you jump on any niche that you find suitable, you need to have some checklists and keep finding it until you actually find a niche that marks all your checklist. Your checklist should be-
- How trending it is– Before you start making your channel, you need to know that it is crucial to find a niche that is trending. Now trending could be anything and everything. But go to the market analysis of Twitch and then study whether the niche you’re picking is trending there or not. Some niches could be very trending outside Twitch but not there. So ensure that you research niches trending on Twitch and not everywhere else.
- How many competitors do you have in it– Once you have discovered your niche, start studying your competitors. For this, all you need to do is to take a list of the top trending Twitch channels and their streams. Make sure that you are researching your niche channels only. Now take a look and study the kind of content they’re making. See the reach and traffic they can get through their content and who are your top 10 competitors. Note down their strategies and see what difference the number 1 and 10 is making.
- Scope of your interest– Talking about the most important thing after the market analysis, your interest. If you have studied the niche already and know your competitors, their strategies and everything we have mentioned above, check whether your interest lies in the same area. Provided that you already chose a niche based on your personal interest, check whether you are willing to dig it down further or not. If you’re actually keen on it, go for it.

Find the most popular niche on Twitch or create your own niche (expert advice).
2- Start producing more and more content
If you have already done your basics and you are looking forward to having your donation income to get started, you need to produce more and more content for it. You know your niche, you know your competitors and the kind of content they’re making.
So apply those strategies and come up with your own content. Do as much streaming as you can and have that scope of betterment with every stream. For e.g., if you know you have reached out to 10 people on your first stream, have a goal of gaining back those ten along with 20 new ones.
3- Start gaining followers
Let me tell you a secret about your donation income if you’re too excited about your donation income. To start getting donations, you need to start gaining followers. But yes, it isn’t as easy as it looks to be. The process of gaining followers is challenging and requires a lot more than you think. Implement these tips and try-
- Give them a reason to follow– Nobody is going to follow you for no reason until they’re already your friends or family. If you want to make those random Twitch users your follower, you need to give them a reason to follow you. It could be anything, be it some reward such as informing them that you keep doing giveaways and stuff to those people who follow them or offering them content that they have never seen earlier.
- Be confident and friendly- Whenever you’re streaming, know that many people see you; thus, you need to be confident yet friendly. You must be proficient in no matter what language you choose to stream. It could be either your regional ones or English, whatever you prefer but you must not hesitate. Your body language and tone should carry that confidence that attracts you.
- Interact in your streams- Try to interact as much as you can in your streams. You already know that people are viewing your streams and liking them. If you want to make them follow you, you need to start interacting. Add questions, ask them for their opinion and try to involve them in your streams as much as you can. The more you do it, the more they will start being part of it.
- Try Streampog services- If you don’t want all these hassles and want to earn some quick followers, then you can also try using Streampog services from here. Go through their packs and get one for yourself. You can choose any package that is convenient for you. Once done, wait for the given timeline and you will see the amount of followers coming to your channel.
4- Be consistent
Consistency has always been the key to success. No matter what field you choose or what path you are taking, you need to be consistent in whatever sound you’re doing, and you’ll soon have the taste of success.
If you are streaming, make sure that you’re not doing it once in a blue moon or occasionally. Be very consistent and be more frequent with your streams.
5- Create a hall of fame
This step is to be taken after you receive the donation. So let’s say someone has just donated you some number of bits. What would you do to them? In such situations, you can give them a Hall of Fame.

Let us understand the meaning of it. It means that you can also add a list of donors to your Twitch profile which will give them some recognition of it. So if you’ve just started receiving donations and the number of people isn’t significant as of now, you can start adding them to your profile.
6- Give them a reason to donate
Okay, here you will have to address why you need the donation over other streamers. It is no competition, but you need to play smart here.

Even if someone is donating to you, they would want it to favour them and once they see something favouring them, they don’t hesitate to pay.
So if you did not give them a reason, share it now. It could be anything, such as you want to buy that gadget or game that will help you stream better. Whatever it is, be truthful about it and mention it in the description answer of why you need that donation.
Also, with the help of that special bar made on your Twitch account, you can show how much money you’ve collected so far and how much is left so that it encourages your viewers to donate.
7- Have a feeling of gratitude
At last, be thankful, be grateful, always. No matter if you’re receiving donations or not or even if you’re, do not differentiate on the basis of the amount. Always show your gratitude towards your viewers and leave no chance to thank them.
You can take their names and also can thank them in your streams so that they feel appreciated and will donate more in future.
If you want, you can also add that alert notification feature to your streams so that whenever someone makes a donation, you and your viewers will get an alert, and you can thank them there. If someone has donated you way more than usual, encourage them by telling them that they’re your highest donation of the day or week.
Tip- You also should keep asking them how you can improve your streams and what their suggestions are for the same.
Wrapping up.
And that was all we had to share on some tips to grow your Twitch donation income. If you’re relatively new to Twitch and are struggling to get revenue out of it, donations are the first thing you can do as a beginner. And if you implement all these tips, you for sure can see some hike in your Twitch donation income. Do not forget to comment and let us know what tip worked best for you and how much you have earned from Twitch using its donation model so far.
Frequently Asked Questions
1- What is the best way to receive donations on Twitch?
If you want the best way to receive donations, always go for Twitch Bits donation only. If you go through PayPal and credit card payments, you may get stuck in chargeback issues. You can learn more about it here.
2- Can Twitch Gift cards be used towards donations?
Unfortunately, Twitch gift cards can not be used to make donations. You will have to buy some Twitch Bits in your account manually. You can refer to this guide here.